Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lesson #1617 on Why You Should Never Send Nakie Pics Over the Interwebs

I recently had an on line account locked due to "suspicious activity."  It turned out the "suspicious activity" was just me accessing the account from a different IP address, which, I guess is sort of dodgy, since internet nerds rarely venture out of  their parents' basement to log in from, say, Montauk, LI.

The incident got me thinking (and by thinking, I mean "worrying," in all my neurotic glory.  Other topics I've been thinking worrying about this week: bedbugs, head lice, and whether or not the phenomena of the Tiger Mother is just so much bullshit or will all my children grow up to be abject failures due to my weak-ass parenting)  about password security when I came across this article from the police blotter to magnify my paranoia:  Yes, Facebook Sucks for So Many Reasons, and Here is One More

I've been thinking that most of the security questions I get offered to safeguard my accounts are easily answerable by the guy who had the misfortune of being stuck standing in line with me at the Dunkin Donuts for ten minutes.  Where did you meet your significant other?  What was your high school mascot?  What's your favorite movie?  Favorite sports team?  

My husband has one possible solution: stick numbers on everything.  (Don't you try it, 'cause you're a perv, and I already know you'd put "69" on everything).

Leaving the nerd topic of password protection for a moment, let's turn to the nerd topic of sex.  In reading that article about the guy who sabotaged the Facebook accounts of all those women, what really struck me was not the number of accounts he was able to "hack" (that seems simple enough to do, see my discussion above) but the number of women who had sent nakie pics around.  I know I was dating before the ubiquity of camera phones (I find that I'm becoming more of a geezer as each day passes), but no one ever asked me for a nakie picture.  I like to think that my uptight, Catholic, legs clamped together demeanor would have cut that question off before it made it to their lips, or maybe my predilection for nerdy, brainy, I-can't-believe-I'm-with-a-real-live-girl types meant I never encountered guys who were ballsy enough to ask for a porn pic.  Still,  I wanted the opportunity to hysterically scream "No freaking way!" to their request all the while secretly, and smugly knowing that I have a rockin' hot body.  As it is, I can only suspect that I have a rockin' hot body, without independent photographic evidence to support my conclusion.

Anyway, I knew a bunch of girls in college who did this, because I knew a bunch of guys who told me and, in one case, showed me.  It really never made any sense (and set off all kinds of alarm bells) to me.  Why give nakie pics to a man I was (presumably) intimate with?  He could see me real life nakie.  What's with the picture?

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